Frequently Asked Questions

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  • 1.What areas can assuredefendor's team help my Organization?

    Assuredefendor's  Journey from End point security,Network Security,Data security,Identity and Access ManagementIdentity,Network Infrastructure and  Perimeter Security.

  • 2. I'm interested in a specific technology, but I still don't have a closed budget. How can assuredefendor's help my Organization?

    The first step is to better understand your demand. In our initial conversation we will introduce you to what's new on the market and what more solutions would make sense to you at the moment.

  • 3. What's assuredefendor's differential?

    We keep what we promised. It sounds simple, but assuredefendor's focus has always been on customer confidence and a long-term relationship.

  • 4. Can I get a free demo of your technology ?

    Yes, and we’d be delighted to welcome you to our assuredefendors  head office  or virtual webex session  to show you the value our services provide. Or, if it suits you better, we can visit your offices to deliver a demonstration. Either way, there will be no charge.

  • 5. Do you have a security assessments to find out where we are today?

    Yes. Assuredefendors security assessments team has a very well defined methodology that covers over all  areas of cyber security domains  for small and medium businesses. These areas are based on industry standards and governance requirements that are applicable to your market. We use a combination of scanning tools, workshops, and our own modeling to find and address gaps that will enable your business to address risks.  Using this model we identify all known risks, and give you recommendations on how to address them. We also can provide penetration testing, network, and systems scanning and recommend external auditors that may help with your governance requirements.

  • 6. What are the common methods of authentication for network security?

    ANS: Biometrics - It is a known and registered physical attributes of a user specifically used for verifying their identity. 

    • Token - A token is used for accessing systems. It makes more difficult for hackers to access accounts as they have long credentials.
    • Transaction Authentication - A one time pin or password is used in processing online transactions through which they verify their identity.
    • Multi-Factor Authentication -  It’s a security system that needs more than one method of authentication.
    • Out-of-Band Authentication - This authentication needs two different signals from two different channels or networks. It prevents most of the attacks from hacking and identity thefts in online banking.

  • 7. What is the difference between hashing and salting ?

    ANS:Hashing is majorly used for authentication and is a one-way function where data is planned to a fixed-length value.
    Salting is an extra step for hashing, where it adds additional value to passwords that change the hash value created.

  • 8. What industries do you serve?

    Our clients include financial institutions, healthcare organizations, government agencies, higher education, utilities, and other businesses nationwide.

  • 9. How are your services priced?

    Our pricing is typically based on the scope of the work required. Because we customize each engagement to fit your needs, it’s important for us to get an understanding of what they are prior to preparing a proposal.